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Welcome to The Yoga Centre

to support your innate vitality and wellbeing through a range of therapeutic treatments, yoga and professional courses

Contact Us

Grounding – Energising – Relaxing

Feeling good about yourself

Why Choose Us

Our Classes

All our classes combine posture, breath and meditation or relaxation practices and cater for all ages and abilities.

So whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, we have a place for you.

Private Tuition

If you want your own tailor made class with a yoga practice crafted to suit your individual needs, a private class can be arranged either at a studio or at your home or workplace.

Professional Training

We believe yoga needs to adapt to the individual. So the yoga we practise and teach at Yoga Nectar seeks to be flexible and fluid. We call it Liquid Yoga.

Yoga is flexible

Yoga can be fast or slow, strong or gentle, active or passive. Yoga is great as a physical practice, but it can be so much more. It’s about finding the right combination to suit you.

Our Services

Whether you are a yoga beginner, you are an advanced yogi or yogini – find the perfect yoga lessons online for yourself.

Professional Training & Workshops

Reiki attunements

Essential Oil Introductory Workshops

Restorative Yoga

Forward & Backward Bends

Twists & Inversions

Back Care Classes

Kundalini Yoga Classes

Body-centred Presence Classes

What People Say About Us

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