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Meditation & Mindfulness

Grounding – Energising – Relaxing

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The mind is naturally restless but if we can master our relationship with the mind, we have access to a powerful resource, a dynamic and vast source of potential.

The techniques of meditation are simple and easy to learn, but the ability to let go of the attachment to the movement of the mind takes time, patience and practice. However, as we pay less attention to the chattering mind, we are able to live fully in the present moment, often bringing about vibrant state of health and a peaceful, joyful mind.

The benefits of a regular meditation practice include reduction of stress, tension, depression, anxiety and frustration, as well as improved memory, concentration, inner peace, replenished energy levels and clarity of thought.


Yoga is the most advanced approach to good health and wellbeing!

  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Improves posture
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Tones internal organs
  • Restores youth
  • Focus
  • Confidence
  • Builds energy
  • Improves mood
  • Stimulates digestion
  • Improves breathing

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